{{----}} {{----}} {{----}} {{----}} {{----}} {{----}} {{----}} {{----}} {{----}}
--}} {{----}} {{--
Branch: {{$branch}}
Road Manifest

Manifest Nr: {{$loading_instruction[0]['trip_number']}}
Transport details Route Details
Transporter Truck Trailer Driver
{{$loading_instruction[0]['transporter']}} {{$loading_instruction[0]['truck']}} {{$loading_instruction[0]['trailer']}} {{$loading_instruction[0]['driver']}}
{{----}} @foreach($loading_instruction as $key => $value) {{----}} @endforeach
Origin Destination Border Border AgentBorder Agent Contact
{{$value['origin']}} {{$value['destination']}} {{$value['border']}} {{$value['border_agent']}}
Delivery Address Special Instructions
@foreach($loading_instruction as $key => $value) @endforeach
{{ $value['delivery_address'] }}
Cargo details:
@foreach($loading_instruction as $key => $value) @endforeach
Order ID Product | Description of goods Cargo Qty Packaging Weight Container Seal Size Line
{{$value['order']}} {{$value['product']}} | {{$value['productdescription']}} @if($value['type'] == 'containarized') CNTR @endif @if($value['type'] == 'break_bulk') BBK @endif @if($value['type'] == 'oog') OOG @endif @if($value['type'] == 'lcl') LCL @endif {{$value['qty']}} {{$value['packing']}} {{$value['weight']}} {{$value['container']}} {{$value['seal']}} {{$value['size']}} {{$value['bline']}}
{{----}} {{----}} {{----}}
For Customs use (Please stamp and sign)
For custom use For custom use For custom use
Bond Details
Billy of entry details
Entry Exit
{{----}} {{----}}

Details herein as per cargo documents assigned for transport.
We hereby certify that to our knowledge the particulars shown on this manifest are a true reflection of all the goods carried on the above mentioned vehicles.
We responsible only for the load described on this document. Knowledge of or responsibility for anything else concealed in or on the vehicle is specifically disclaimed.
Queries concerning any unauthorized load should be directed to the driver whose signature appears on this document.

{{--/td>--}} {{----}} {{----}} {{--We hereby certify that to our knowledge the particulars shown on this manifest are a true reflection of all the goods carried on the above mentioned vehicles.--}} {{----}} {{----}} {{--We responsible only for the load described on this document. Knowledge of or responsibility for anything else concealed in or on the vehicle is specifically disclaimed.--}} {{----}} {{----}} {{--Queries concerning any unauthorized load should be directed to the driver whose signature appears on this document.--}} {{----}}